Chapter 1 - The origin of the name
Håskog is the forest that lies high - meaning taken from the old word háskógr.
The name Håskog may, according to linguist Olaf Rygh, derive from the adjective hàr which means high up. The farm itself is not very high up, but there are hills both to the south and to the north. O. Rygh suggests that the old name was Háskògr. Old spellings: Haaschoug - 1668 and 1723.
Place names for the farm: Diblemyr, Einerholet, Haskogheia, Langa tjødna, Runda tjødna, Vardeheia, Vatlandsdalen, Øygarden.
Håskog is located between the three lakes Botnavannet, Kolfat-tjodn and Svartevannet, close to Berrefjord. The farm has, as far as we know, only been a farm, but the name Øygarden may indicate that there has been a settlement on the periphery of that place. It was probably the farmer mentioned in the census from 1801 who lived there.